Job Title: Social Policy Specialist
Job level: P3
Report line: Chief Social Policy, Advocacy and Evaluation
Location: Bujumbura (Burundi)
Duration: 6 months
Type of contract: SSA
Date de début: 01 July, 2016
Since April 2015, in the context of election preparations, the situation in Burundi, one of the poorest countries in the world with a history of violent conflict, has become once more fragile. Especially Burundi’s capital Bujumbura has been subject to civil unrest and political violence, which is posing a danger to the development of the whole country. Within only a short period of time, Burundi has experienced an increase in food prices (food inflation of 10.4% in July 2015 compared to 2.3% in March 2015 according to ISTEEBU[1]), negatively impacting the purchasing power of household and adversely impacting on the state of well-being of children and families. At the same time, the country revenue has drastically reduced due to the economic activity downturn. Many donors have withdrawn their fund due the current political crisis. This situation has reduced Government ability to provide social services to children and women, especially those who are most vulnerable.
To help Government of Burundi (BCO) to cope with this situation, Burundi Country Office (BCO) through its Rolling Work Plan 2016-2017 (RWP), planned for 2016-2017, many key relevant initiatives to influence public policy especially during this emergency situation, namely: (i) the analysis of State budget in social sectors and the potential impact of fiscal austerity on the social sectors; (ii) Child poverty measurement and multiple deprivation analysis; (iii) the monitoring of the socio-economic situation to inform country programme counterparts and donors on the potential risk of children wellbeing during this emergency situation; (iv) the implementation of the Opened Budget Survey to strengthen transparence and accountability in Burundi… All these initiatives aim to inform decision-making process at real time to enable Government of Burundi and other relevant stakeholders to adjust their interventions according to the emergency situation on field. For this end BCO, is looking for International Consultant at P3 level to support Social Policy, Advocacy and Evaluation section to carry out this cluster of activity.
Accountable for effective engagement in social policy dialogue with the Government for programme development, advocating for increased public resource allocation and budgeting towards the social sector and sustainable decentralization of social services and local capacity building in support of the goal of universal coverage of essential social services and the creation of a protective environment for children. Conducts data collection and analysis to fill information gaps and to strengthen capacity for advocacy for children’s rights, and to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.
- Constructive dialogue and partnerships are established between international and local social policy stakeholders, to provide effective protective environment for the most vulnerable children, including progressive compliance of principal policy documents and legislation regarding all aspects of child rights.
- Current information on state budget and spending patterns and decentralization status of social services are monitored and updated on an on-going basis to support advocacy for decentralization and universal coverage of essential services.
- Decentralization of social services is made sustainable through adequate local support, keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective. Programme plans of action are developed for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; coordination between sectors are increased and links between different levels of government structures for policy implementation are strengthened.
- Data-driven analysis is provided for effective prioritization, planning, development, and results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Gender/sex aggregated data and inputs provided, relevant to the Social Policy programme.
- Advocacy efforts are effectively made to raise awareness on children’s rights with both the general public and with policy makers, and to ensure local buy-in and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
- Effective partnerships with the Government and other agencies established to enable sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Millennium Development Goals for continuing worldwide progress of the UNICEF mission.
- UNICEF social policy programme effectively planned, implemented and administered in support of the country programme.
Under the supervision of Chief Social Policy, the consultant will be accountable of for following duties and key end-results.
1. Social Policy dialogue and programme development
- Provides professional assistance in UNICEF’s engagement in social policy dialogue and development with the Government, maintains constructive dialogue and partnerships between international and local stakeholders to support the development of social policies and programmes contributing to the progressive realization of children’s rights and strengthening of implementation and monitoring mechanisms at all levels of society, and ensures that the services reach out in innovative, effective ways to those most vulnerable pockets of children and families that have been previously left out.
- Promotes the advocacy for juvenile justice reform, supports child rights-based reviews of national, provincial and local legislation, in close consultation with community-level structures and supports the health and education sectors and the social welfare system for children.
2. Monitoring state budget ressources
- Monitors and updates current information on state budgeting and spending patterns for social programmes and decentralization status of social services on an on-going basis to support advocacy for greater public resources and budget allocation for social development, the prioritization of resource allocation for children, and universal coverage of essential services for children, to ensure that they reflect the best interest of children.
3. Sustainable decentralization and capacity building
- Where the national decentralization process is taking place, collaborates with the central and local authorities to assist in planning, policy discussion and service delivery closely responding to the needs of local communities.
- Provides on-going support in making decentralization sustainable through adequate local support while keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective.
- Collaborates with the central and local authorities to strengthen community-based capacity on quality data collection, analysis for policy development, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring of social policy and programmes.
- Provides professional assistance in the development programme plans of action for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; supports to strengthen coordination between sectors and between different levels of government structures for policy implementation.
4. Data collection, analysis and results-based approach
- Collects systematically qualitative data for the sound and up-to-date assessment of the situation of children and women to provide the base-lines for result-based decisions on interventions and evaluations. Provides technical support for the development of information systems for monitoring child rights indicators, with emphasis on community and child participation.
- Provides timely, regular data-driven analysis for effective prioritization, planning, and development; facilitates results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Support maintenance of information system for monitoring gender/sex disaggregated data.
- Contributes to the analysis of the macroeconomic context of social policy programmes and its impact on social development, emerging issues and social policy concerns, as well as implications for children, and proposes and promotes appropriate responses in respect of such issues and concerns, including government resource allocation policies and the effect of social welfare policies on the rights of children.
5. Advocacy and communication
- Promotes and raises awareness on children’s rights with both the general public and with policy makers, effective information dissemination, mass media campaign, special events, and other means, to ensure local buy-in, commitment, and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
6. Partnerships
- Contributes to the establishment and enhancement of effective partnerships with the Government, bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, civil society and local leaders, the private sector, and other UN agencies to support sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and to achieve global UN agendas such as the Millennium Development Goals and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.
- Identifies other critical partners, promotes awareness and builds capacity of partners, and actively facilitates effective collaboration within the UN family.
7. UNICEF Programme Management
- Supports and contributes to effective and efficient planning, management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the country programme.
- Ensures that the social planning project enhances policy dialogue, planning, supervision, technical advice, management, training, research and support; and that the monitoring and evaluation component strengthens monitoring and evaluation of the social sectors and provides support to sectoral and decentralized information systems.
1. Education
- University degree, preferably advanced university degree or equivalent background, in Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science, International Finance, public relations, media, communication, or other relevant disciplines.
2. Work Experience
- Five years of relevant professional experience in budget analysis and or in Public Finance Management. A proven track record in quantitative economic analysis and multi-dimensional poverty/deprivation analysis would be a strong asset
- Work Experience in Developing country (for IP) or field work experience (for NO);
- Fluency in English and French (written & verbal) is required.
- Background/familiarity with Emergency.
3. Competencies of Successful Candidate
Core Values
- Commitment
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Integrity
Core competencies
- Communication - Level II
- Working with People - Level II
- Drive for Results - Level II
Functional Competencies
- Leading and Supervising - Level II
- Formulating Strategies and Concepts - Level II
- Analyzing - Level III
- Relating and Networking - Level II
- Persuading and Influencing - Level II
- Planning and Organizing - Level III
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.
The consultant will be based in Social Policy, Advocacy and Evaluation Section, under the supervision of Chief Social Policy. He/She will work closely with colleagues from different sections. He/She will provide each month his/her progress report. Payment will be made monthly based on UN salary scale for P3 grade. He/she will work in the UNICEF Burundi Country Office and is required to bring his/her own laptop.
Interested candidates can submit their applications to the following email address: no later than 12th June 2016.
The following documents should be included in the submission:
A Technical offer including a cover letter addressed to the UNICEF Representative describing how you meet each of the requirements listed above (max. 2 pages), a CV, proof of academic and professional records and an updated UN Personal History Form (P11). The form can be downloaded to the below link:; and a Financial proposal including a concept note explaining the consultant understanding of the mission and a summary (5 pages maximum) on the methodology he / she intends to use to carry out the study. The consultant will propose a lump sum fee covering all expenses including travel (from his/her country, to Bujumbura).This documentation will be analyzed and assessed by the selection panel.
[1]; accessed on 9 September 2015.
Interested candidates can submit their applications to the following email no later than 12th June 2016.
The following documents should be included in the submission:
A Technical offer including a cover letter addressed to the UNICEF Representative describing how you meet each of the requirements listed above (max. 2 pages), a CV, proof of academic and professional records and an updated UN Personal History Form (P11). The form can be downloaded to the below link:; and a Financial proposal including a concept note explaining the consultant understanding of the mission and a summary (5 pages maximum) on the methodology he / she intends to use to carry out the study. The consultant will propose a lump sum fee covering all expenses including travel (from his/her country, to Bujumbura).This documentation will be analyzed and assessed by the selection panel. Arphֱ)3;8
Consultant International Social Policy Specialist - UNICEF BURUNDI
Reviewed by Unknown
10:35:00 AM